Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sleepover in Lauren's Playhouse!

Last night I went to my friend Lauren's house.When I got there we went to a football game we weren't having a lot of fun but by the end we were having a lot of fun!When we got back to her house we had to go out to her playhouse because it was late and we would keep her parents awake.We took pillows out there to sleep on.We danced around for a little bit then we started
making a bed out of the pillows to sleep on.The next day we were bored so we piled up the pillows and jumped on to them from the wall.It is always fun to go to her house.This is me landing from jumping off the walls.My face looks funny because Lauren took the picture when I was starting a sentence.

Queen White Kitty

The playhouse is amazing. It has carpet AC and it's own porch. Lauren,Lauren's sister,Lauren's friend's, and I have been painting it over the summer!I know we have all had a lot of fun. It's the most cool playhouse ever!


Linda "Grammy" Woods said...

It is wonderful that you have been blessed with such a great friend. You obviously do have a good time over there - written all over your cute little faces :) You did a great job on painting and decorating by the way - taking that after your mother's talent I'm sure.

Emily Woods said...

that is one cool play house!

Rachebug said...

soooooooooooooo cool